05 February 2006

Just when I thought..

Just when I thought that I would never blog again, here I am again . The reason why it took me so long to blog is that I've been very busy. Yes, that is so cliche, I know.

Honestly, sebenarnya saja je taknak update biar nampak macam sibuk sangat-sangat walaupun sebenarnya takde lah sibuk mana pun heehee. Work is fine and fun but I will blog about that later.

Okay back to what I really wanted to write. Someone told me, "muz, you should have be writing about women, not men". Well I would only if I can understand them in the first place. Even if I can figure out rocket science, I can never figure out women. But of course, that just an understatement of how complicated they are. Hahahaha, yes I am funny and I know it. So let’s continue from where I left shall we.

Okay this is only for those who are already married only. If your not, apply at your own risk. Period.
So how exactly can you manipulate/control your men with sex? No, not by being on top or running around with that whiplash though I would have liked that.

So we know men have bigger ego than their brain. Most of the time they would love to think they are “the” men. Bitching with their boys how they break your back and all when in fact, they not. So ladies this is what you have to do. Ssscccreeeaaammmm (but not that loud) every time you have sex with them. Pretend that he is really "the" man. Praise him, moan and if you can sweat deliberately, that’s even better! So that when it’s over (which is usually around 5-10 mins) he really think he work you out. Once its over, you have to act fast (right before he falls asleep due to tiredness) and ask whatever you want and believe me, he’ll agree to anything you say. Wow.

…. And no, I’m not writing this based on personal experience.

Okay I have to admit, I hate it when women cries. It just pisses me off but most the time I just have to give in to make them stop crying. Crying actually works anyway that you like. When he treats you bad, you cry. When he makes you happy, you cry. When you want something, just cry non stop until he give up. But on second thought, don’t cry. Nobody likes a cry baby. You can just use the other 3 tips I gave. Save this one only for special occasions. Heehee =D


Yeay! Finally I finished juge this topic. Yes I know its crap but I just need to finish this so I can move on with other stuff like why do we celebrate valentine when it only make singles feel lonely or why am I here stuck in Penang and missing all the fun in KL or why Cik Puan Muda Stress always have an issue with me. Oh how I wish Fasha Sandha is here next to me. Nyum nyum.

why you always nak plug i? free publicity? thanks man. i like dissing you. so what?

go cry to your mummy la.
Muz said: …. And no, I’m not writing this based on personal experience.

ahaks.. yeah muz... rite!!! *wink*
Fasha sandha got misai meh?? ahaks... mmm... cik la femme ecrivain.. kalo orang dah fanatik...tak kira la ada misai ke..ada janggut ker.. ada bulu2 di jari ke..sure dia buta punya....hahahah... ye tak muz??? kui...kui..kui...cheers...
err biler nak guna "antar i balik umah i cepat?" hehehe

takpun, "aiyo, tak tau. u dah ilang teruna dah. nanti kalau u tak bli kat beg prada yg i nak tuh, i blog abt ketidak-terunaan u lagik"

play the doll then beat the doll eh?...
chis....fake fake!....
Iris & anonymous: Serious meh dia ada misai? Nah I know you all just spread rumours to break my heart

Bertique: Heehee yes the 1st one tu boleh gak pakai but the second tu, I think they wouldnt do it. Its like a flasher with a small dick. They just humilated themselves more =P

Nina: aaa sorry, I'm lost. Where is the doll?
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