18 November 2005

George Williams

I was suppose to be on hiatus at least until I finished all my errands but I just can't help it but to dedicate this entry for a 'boy' (he is definitely not a man) named George Williams. Argh that ‘bastard’ is driving me crazy!! I wish I just can poke a stick in his ass and smack his head and wipe that evil smile of his face. There you go I said it all. Demit! Okay if you wondering who this ‘bastard’ that goes by the name of George Williams, he is one of the character of Desperate Housewives. Ala the one yang ada affair with Bree Van de Kamp. George such a bastard that he even turn me to hate Bree which I never did in the first season. I was suppose to finished my thesis but I can’t help it but to watch the second season (currently dah episode 7 dah). Desperate Housewives is addictive. Damn you Marc Cherry!! I need to finish my thesis la brader.

Banyak benda nak cerita argh, but muz need to complete his thesis which is due next Monday. Later, Kiss kiss!!

keco la brader...tgk desperate hsewives? muahahahaha
ape aaa? minat bree ke? Itulah watak paling aku tak suka since first season. Gabby bitch, tapi skrg dah jadi baik sket. Susan yang bodoh!. ED yg licik. Tapi lynett aku paling suka sbb dia smart!
hahahaa.. we r having the same prob. bezanya i'm addicted to anime (trying not to watch desperate housewives yg saya dah dl dulu)

hmmphhh... thesis..thesis..thesis..
bila lah nak start ni..
muahahaha muz.. aku bukannya ape... tapi aku dah grad,,...thesis2 ni tak main aaaa
cik puan: biasa la i need to indulge my feminin side juge muahahaa

ilot: aku x minat bree la tapi aku tak benci die juge. ooo grad, let see who has the last laugh when i show u my 1st class honors nanti ok wakakakaka

pinky:i oso anime junkie juge and i think u better start ur thesis now cause i suda complete mine lalalala
wahh..beshnye!! suda complete.. nahh..due date lmbt lg.har har har..
now i think i hate bree too sbb layan si george tu. dah tau allergic pun nak layan gak.
ehehehehe.. ala..even u dapat first class pun I dont really care as long as aku dah grad awal dr ko.. muahahahaaha
urghhh...laju nyer!...we(me and pinky) barely finish the first season..hehe blame it to me...slalu takde rumah....

arghhh muzzzz!...don't la spill the story line...kay?...don't tell us what happen eh..hehehe....

nanti i belanja you online cookie..
i hate bree's son more!
kuang aja punye anak!
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